Saturday 13 October 2012

Find you message fast in MS Outlook 2007

Hi reader,

MS Office Outlook is not an alien to us. We use it as a communication channel between us to bosses, subordinates, peers, customers, suppliers and etc. The message is delivered fast, reliable and convenient. Outlook could become our information storage if all the emails are kept in this application. Whenever we need those information, we can always refer back to the said email in the computer.

How much emails you receive in a day? Mine is not so bad... between 10 to 20. I still have time to open, read, reply or delete the emails received for the day. I have seen people who received tenths of emails per day. They don't even have a second to read all those emails because they are always on mobile, in the meetings or may be on vacations. Usually for people like this, we have to call or send text message to him/ her to inform that we have sent them an email.


Today I would like to share on how to find a message in MS Outlook in many ways and faster ways. Besides receiving and sending information, Outlook has other capabilities which we might not aware of.

Find a message

If your Outlook store hundreds of records, searching information could be lengthy. The Outlook has few ways to speed up the searching process.

Using Search Functions

1.   Instant Search. Instant search function can be found on the upper right or middle of the pane. (example: the red rectangle box)

You can type any word you need to find and outlook will highlight the words it found. So the searching time becomes faster. After you finished searching, you can clear the word by click the ’x’ beside the search box.

2.      Expand Query Builder. Expand query builder function can be found on the right of the instant search box (display in orange color)

Just by typing word in any boxes, Outlook will display the result of the searched and hide all non-related emails. The selection of messages become narrow and we can find the required message easier.

Another good search function is to use a Recent Search where Outlook will display up to 10 of your most recent search. This function is very much suitable for things that you had recently searched may be in a day.

Using Color Category
In Outlook we can use Color Category for message identification such as to contacts, appointments and tasks. This will help us to quickly identify them and associate them with related items.

For Example, I have assigned a Green Category for this person and Outlook adds in the Green Category bar on the message.

We can change the name of color category to something else for example Staff or Peers. This re-name is only applicable for the first time using the specific color category. Don't worry; we still chance to change the name of the used color category by opening the Color Category box. 

At this box, we can rename, create or delete the color category.

Another very helpful tips using colors is assign a Quick Click category to a message. With a single click, you can assign a color category to an item in your inbox or any message list. Before you can assign the quick click, you must have renamed all the color categories to match your need.

On your message, you right click your mouse and select 'Set Quick Click' as the picture above and make your selection.

Once you have assigned the color category to the message, you can now sort you messages according to the color as shown below. This will help you to search the message quite fast as well.
From the color category view, I am more pleasant viewing my messages because it is colorful and....of course I could not escape from checking emails of the red color category from now on.

That's all some tips to speed up the searching of messages. I will come back with more tips later....bye

Thursday 11 October 2012

Simultaneous conference interpretation

Dear reader,

Language is always being a tool for communication between people. When two people communicating in two different languages, the message or information is not completely delivered. This is known as communication barrier. To overcome the barrier, people must talk in common language. That’s why many people learn to speak languages other than their mother’s tongue. Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, English and Arabic are among the most powerful languages in the world.
Due to this barrier also in most international events, such as conferences, competitions, in the judgement courts and meetings, there are people we call as interpreters. Their presence is to interpret words from one party’s language to another party’s language. The median helps very much in the communication but the weakness is the event becomes longer.
Today, I have an opportunity to attend the ‘31st Conference of The Look East Policy’ at hotel Istana Kuala Lumpur. The event is organized by Malaysia and Japan Governments like MIDA, MITI, MAJECA, JAMECA, JACTIM and JETRO. The important guest are our Prime Minister, Minister of International Trade and Industry and Japanese Prime minister and the Ambassador. The participants are mostly Malaysian and Japanese and therefore, the conference is conducted in dual languages that are English and Japanese.
The booklet of the conference

Special guest of the event is our Prime Minister Dato' Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak.
In this conference, the participants and guests are given a head set which functioning as an interpreter device. The head set is consists of the headphone and a receiver. 
The receiver
On the receiver, there is selection channels identified as up and down button. By pressing the button, the channel is switch from one language to another. For example channel 01 is for English language and 02 for Japanese language. The participant may choose the language that they desire from the device. For example, when the speaker in the conference is communicating in English, by selecting channel 02, I can receive the information in Japanese and vice versa. The interpretation is almost real-time and the device is known as simultaneous interpreter. With this device, the event runs smoothly and eliminates barriers in communication.

That's all for today's entry. I know it is a little bit short but sometime "the less is more".

Wednesday 10 October 2012

The power of MS Excel

Good day reader,

I assume some of you are wondering why I choose MS Excel as the topic today or… what a boring topic to share. Don’t jump the gun yet. Wait until you finish reading this.

Most of working people knew what is Excel and how to use it. But don’t be surprised… most of us did not have a formal Excel training. We learnt through other people such as friends, family and colleagues. For those who are not familiar with Excel, feels free to read the explanation that I copied from

Excel is an electronic spreadsheet program that can be used for storing, organizing and manipulating data. When you look at the Excel screen (refer to the example on this page) you see a rectangular table or grid of rows and columns. The horizontal rows are identified by numbers (1,2,3) and the vertical columns with letters of the alphabet (A,B,C). For columns beyond 26, columns are identified by two or more letters such as AA, AB, AC”.

Excel normally use for managing data (in numbers). based on the data that we have, we can transform the numbers into graphs, comparison analysis and reports. In short, that is the usual function of MS Excel.

My profession as an accountant requires me to use a lot of Excel spreadsheets for monthly reporting, budgeting and performance analysis etc. I stored a lots of Excel files in my PC or server and some of the files size are huge. For example for monthly reporting, I need store at least 12 files in a year (according to the month). Yeah! Just 12 files, what a big deal? The problem arises when I need to make comparison analysis between two periods. For example, this month result vs. budget, this month result vs. last month result, this month result vs. last year results so on and so forth.  Beside the data, I need to plot graphs, input some explanation and even worst when the report should comprise the company level and operational level.

 Handling data has constraints. I use to do sorting, filtering, sub-totaling, highlighting and files linkages. Usually the data get mixed up, the linkage is broken, formula result error and produced wrong output. Then I need to re-fix all the errors. No wonder people say “accountant loves numbers a lot”. What a mess…. I need to improve my way of doing things.
In June 2012, I attended a MS Excel workshop called i3 Business Analytics and Reporting – Intelligent Excel Models or in short i3Bar. The program was arranged by Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA), 4 days at Hotel Armada, Petaling Jaya at RM 4k+.

There are four (4) modules in this program and basically one module per day. Day 1 – Proficiency in core Excel functions, day 2 – Integrate multiple data source, day 3 – Build and present interactive reports and day 4 – Budget simulation and intelligence.

Excel has more than 300 built in formula functions. As a normal Excel user, we do not need to master all of it. In i3Bar we only focus on 9 formula functions. Among the functions are Vlookup, Hlookup, Index and Sumif. We use the ‘simple but powerful’ formulas.

This workshop has thought me to develop a dynamic and integrated report where with just a single click; the report will be changed and updated accordingly. For example, currently I am viewing the report for the month of April 2012.

On the right hand sight of column K is the scroll bar button. When I click on the upper scroll bar, the data will changed from the month of April 2012 to May 2012. All data in the table, pictorials and texts changed and updated accordingly. Can you spot the differences?
Display and hide information
Another plus mark is this report can be viewed in Summary or Details mode. Currently, the table is displaying the report in Summary mode. When I click on Detail (selection beside the scroll bar), the table will be expanded and displaying the detail information of the division’s revenue. You can see the details information in pinky color bar.

 No need Power Point
Normally for monthly presentation to our bosses, we use MS Power Point. Creating power point slides for the report is very time consuming. Whenever we make changes on the source data, we need to update the affected slides. Sometimes during the presentation, unexpectedly, the boss would like to see the previous two months report. For example, now you are presenting June 2012 report and suddenly the bosses wanted to see April 2012 report. Most probably we will reply like this “I don’t have it now and will email to you later” (with smiling) or your have to start searching on your notebook of the required report. It will take time and you know that bosses are always busy and they can’t wait any longer.
From the workshop I learnt on how to make a presentation straight from Excel. You do not need to copy and paste the data from spreadsheet to power point. Just with some formulas, the presentation is ready to shoot. Furthermore, you can immediately turn the report from current month to previous month or a month before in just a single click (depending on your available data). The picture below shows the Menu Page in the normal view of Excel. All the menus, columns and rows are displayed on the screen.
When I click on the presentation button, the Excel hides all unnecessary things on the screen and the Menu page is look like this. On the left hand side, there is the report selection button. When I click on Revenue Report, Excel will display the report as what you saw earlier.

 Cost Report

On the Cost Report, I build the similar concept but with different selection on the left hand side. Whenever I make selection on the row of the information will be highlighted and the graphs are updated accordingly.

Report shows the information of Admin Cost of the selected month.

When I make selection for Direct Cost, the row is highlighted and the graphs are changed accordingly. The button Back is for return to the Menu page.

With the dynamic and integrated report I only need to keep one file of the twelve months data and surprisingly the file size is less than 1MB. Every month end after the final report is downloaded from the Accounting Information System (AIS), I just need to cut the data from system report and paste on the respective column of this Excel sheet. For example the fifth month data is pasted on the fifth column (highlighted in green) and the report will be self updated. We do not need to do sorting, re-formatting, totaling etc. Finally, the report is ready for presentation within less than one hour. Amazing right?


I presume some of you might not believe on “the power of MS Excel”. You may retrieve the information from this link and watch videos of the similar work.

i3Bar is a super power concept on the common IT application. The concept is not limited to financial report but can be applied to other reporting as well. As a credit to i3Bar, I listed down some advantages that I received from it.

1.       Generate a dynamic, integrated and interactive report. I don’t have to create and store so many files in my PC and save storage size.

2.      The data is kept precise as I don’t need to reformat, sort or filter.

3.      The updating step is simple and short. What I need is to just copy and paste to the appropriate cells.

4.      Only need to master nine (9) simple formulas.

5.      No need to create the power point slides for presentation

6.      Easy to view the previous information or next information of the report

7.      Save time and less troublesome in preparing reports.

8.      Can be applied to any kind of repetitive report.

9.      Can include simple Macros for presentation purpose.

10.   Report can be in colors for pictorials and highlights.

Until today, I do apply the i3Bar concept on all my Excel files even for non-repetitive reports.  It helps me to speed up my way of doing things. Special thanks to my boss, trainers and MIA for the opportunity of learning the effective methods of presenting information.

Monday 8 October 2012

Garmin Nuvi 205, the Automotive GPS

Hi reader,
This time I want to share my experience of using an automotive GPS. What is an automotive GPS? How it works? Can it be trusted?

GPS is stand for Global Positioning System. An automotive GPS is a device that provide location data on the road's map. It can give direction to the user from one point to another point and some extra information on around the area.

My husband and I are very bad at finding routes and places especially in a city like Kuala Lumpur. We were always lost and it takes very long time for us to reach our destination. This situation happens not only for a new place but sometime even at the place that we already went. Most of the time we miss the key junction and with the traffic jam, one way street etc, and it takes hours for us to get to our destination. When we lost, we used to call our siblings or friends who are familiar with the location.
As a preventive countermeasure, before travel, I will either get the directions from the Internet or bought road maps at petrol stations. However, we were still in trouble especially when we travel alone.  We have to “Read & Drive”… can you imagine? That was until 3 years ago.
 In 2009, my husband bought a new hand phone, Nokia E66 at Sunway pyramid. The salesman offered him a free installation of Garmin software. It is a navigation software which gives you direction of your destination. With this software, we basically know generally where we should be heading. Things are a bit better then.
 However, using the software using a hand phone has it shortcomings. Battery drains very fast and sometime there were a few second delays in term of direction given. When we are driving quite fast, we still miss the key junction.
 A year later, while doing the weekly window shopping activity at Digital Mall USJ 19, we came across a shop that sells Garmin products. My experience with Garmin software before had persuaded me to buy a real Garmin product. Price, always being a factor, led me to buying Garmin nuvi 205 at approximately RM600.
The GPS device
For me, Garmin nuvi 205 is an intelligent device. It gives directions almost to everywhere in the world. It allows us to search via spelling a complete address, partial address or at least a key word on its touch screen monitor. It also has a searching function based on Point Of Interest such as food, fuel, bank/ATM, hospitals and etc. We can set our home address, store and delete places that we found and identify where our location at the time we turn on the device.
I have searched for a key word 'London' and Garmin shown the first four choices on the screen. If I click on the arrow, the next choices will be displayed.
Garmin will set the route based on our setting such as fastest route, avoid tolls, U-turns and more. It will re-direct us to the best route that suited the settings. However, we can display the alternative routes (if any) by clicking on Re-Tour function. Along journey, should I missed the suggested junction, Garmin will immediately recalculate the route for me. Therefore I am always on the right track.
Garmin really helps in an emergency situation. When I was driving from Klang Valley to my hometown in Kedah, my car fuel indicator shown a red signal… it needs to be re-filled shortly. At that time we were at PLUS highway near Gopeng interchange. The journey was  a day before  Hari Raya Aidil Fitri’s in 2011.  The traffic was extremely bad heading Ipoh and the next Rest & Service Area is Sungai Perak. Even though the distance between Gopeng and Ipoh is only 25KM, the traffic condition made us to search for the nearest petrol station. Then we turn to Garmin and ask for suggestion. Garmin than shown us the choices that we have like this.

In displaying choices, Garmin always show the nearest location first or in ascending order.


By clicking on our choice, Garmin calculated the route information such as direction and arrival time. So we followed Garmin’s direction, get out from the highway and re-filled at Gopeng’s Petronas station. The decision made was very precise. As we re-entered the highway heading Ipoh, the traffic still bad but this time we did not need to worry because the tank is full.

One more thing good about Garmin is its estimated time arrival (ETA) is accurate. It calculates the ETA based on the distance and the driving speed (accelerometer). So far, I have challenged the ETA and Garmin always win. The device can also be used in the mode of bicycle and pedestrian. The size is small and convenient to keep it in hand bag.
Garmin however has constraint. Since it uses satelite
I've being using this device for the past two years and I am really satisfied on its performance. Thumbs up for Garmin Nuvi 205. You are my travelling advisor.

A car equipped with an automotive GPS. A  picture from
For those who are interested to know more on Garmn nuvi 205 or similar device, please link to

Wednesday 3 October 2012

CSL Spice M1700 Tablet

As the first entry (after the introduction) of this blog, I would like to share my experience on having a mobile computer or known as tablet (tab) or some named it, ipad. Here is my story....

In June 2012, my husband and I bought a mobile computer known as CSL tablet. The tablet was bought as a Father’s Day gift for my husband.  Actually we do not need a tablet and I personally, did not sway on the current mobile computer’s trend. We both have computers and smart phones which already occupied our days.

However on one fine day, we went to Tesco Bukit Tinggi Klang for our weekly groceries need. Right in front the Tesco’s entrance; there was a mobile phone fair. The mobile phones price offered was very attractive and after the Q&A session with the salesperson, we finally bought the tablet at the price of RM 699. The phone was sold as it is (look like a second unit) and no product warranty.

At home, we explored the tablet as much as we could. I was suspicious on the quality of the tablet, because I was cheaper than the normal tablet or ipad, look like a second hand unit and no product warranty.  I thought to myself that the tablet would last not more than a month.

First of all, we tried to play a music video from and surprisingly the quality of the picture and sound was great. We loved it! We tried other applications like making a phone call, camera and voice recorder and found it was value for money.

The tablet is really user-friendly, even my three years old son can handle it by himself. Every night when he is on bed, he will watch his favorite videos until he falls into sleep. He also learns alphabets and English from the videos too.

We love the tablet so much…. We like the size, performance, features, applications and many more.

Here are some of the features of the CSL Spice Tablet.

1)      Model number CSL Spice M1700

2)      Android version 2.2 OS

3)      Kernel version Apps

4)      Size Height- 179.4mm, Width-110mm and Depth-11.5mm

5)      Auto-rotation screen with live wallpaper

6)      Complete with tablet cover, mini USB port and mobile charger

7)      Memory – 512MB ROM and 512MB RAM, slots for SD card and SIM card

8)  Virtual keyboard with option to turn on/of words dictionary

9)   Video player and music player

10) CSL Custom Application like Blueberry Messenger, Azan Alarm and CSL Fun Club.

11) More than one hundred of preloaded applications available

If you wish to know more, you may click to this link

**I think the spice CSL name has been changed or upgrded to DroidPad Mi 700 now.

The front view of the CSL tablet

Today the tablet has been with us more than three months and the unit is still in good condition. It is proven. My child have accidently dropped the tablet many times but it’s still works. My third child once has dropped the tablet and caused the screen fractured. After the incident, I thought that the tablet has come the end of life but…. amazingly, the performance is not interrupted at all.
For me the tablet is very value for money. It is affordable and the performance is superb. It fits for those who are dreaming for a tablet but could not afford for Samsung Galaxy Tab or Apple i-Pad.

The main user of the tablet is my youngest child who is 3 years old. I and my husband prefer notebook much than the tablet….and like I said earlier, actually we do not need a tablet.
The picture of video plays on the sharp and clear...

 The picture that I snapped using CSL Spice tablet camera at night ...not bad huh!
You can have more comments on the tablet from the internet and I just link it below for your convenience.
That's all for now. See you on my next entries.